This book goes into depth about hormone balance, peri menopause and your menstrual cycle. What you can expect and at what stage.
Menopause is a natural transition in midlife. It is not a disease as once thought. However, most women do not know what to expect and what to do about the symptoms. The Natural Menopause Solutions explains a natural approach for hormone balance during your natural transition. Most women age 35 – 60 have issues that feel like PMS, and it is part of perimenopause. You may not need drugs for your symptoms. You can feel good with natural options. This book explains the most commonly asked questions most women what to know. Menopause is not a disease, it is a natural part of aging.
Peri Menopause is a time of weight gain, multiple symptoms, and body changes.
This book explains how your body works and how it affects your metabolism and is the cause of weight gain. You can feel better, have more energy, and sleep better when your hormones are balanced.
What is menopause? What is peri-menopause? What are the symptoms of menopause? You will learn your options for hormone replacement therapy and learn about bio-identical plant phytoestrogens. Discover how phytoestrogens and plants can balance your hormones.
Peri-menopause is a time of hormone decline and imbalance that causes a host of uncomfortable signs and symptoms.
This book explains everyone you need to know at all ages. What your doctor is not telling you. The first editions was used by nurses and doctors to help educate women. ’
“Natural Menopause Solutions” can help you make an informed decision on your own health. You will find REAL ANSWERS. You will learn how to balance your hormones naturally, without the use of synthetic drugs.